Monday, December 14, 2009

What Happened!?

Over the past two months, I have seemed to slow down on all the posting, and Im very sorry for that. My life has become very complicated and putting aside the fact that I have to buy my friend a Jonas brother Calendar, I am getting my hair done,going Christmas shopping, going to a party, and having a sleepover all in one day! Plus not to mention I am juggling friend drama, school culminating projects, figure skating (which I am happy to announce I landed all my double jumps all in about two days; which is pretty hard to do), piano, reading, and just having time for myself. It may seem like I am complaining, but I wouldn't want my life any other way. Craziness seems to make everything seem perfect. That wouldn't make sense, but then again, if you met me, I wouldn't seem to make a whole lot of sense.

Now, TO BOOKS! I will post a review in about 10 minutes maybe. Then I have to finish my English culminating. Scrap booking anyone?! I cut and hot glue gunned an Azalea (which is a flower) in a sketch book. Pretty interesting huh? It's a pretty culminating. It's for the book To Kill A Mockingbird, anyone read that book? I guess i liked it, but i didn't have much time to enjoy it. Our teacher was rushing us to read it. So now, after this boring news, here's a song that I will be singing for our Christmas talent concert with a couple of friends. (In English though.) x.